Wednesday, September 5, 2012

bad song a day: Too Late

Day two of Bad Song A Day. Today's is maybe the worst thing I've ever done. But I was running out of time!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

bad song a day

Hey! So I'm starting a new project called Bad Song A Day where I write a bad song each day and record it. The rules are that it can only be vocals and one other insturment. It can only be a max of four tracks. And it has to be bad.

This is Inxoticatingly Beautiful Women.

Monday, June 4, 2012

iGSA: it begins...


Tomrrow is the day that iGSA starts! In case you don't know what iGSA is, you can read all about it here. But essentially, I've felt less smart since I've left college because I'm not constantly being assigned poems or having to calculate wave forms or asked to explain the role of red in Fargo. So isntead of just chalking it all up to a loss, each month I'm going to take a topic and spend an hour a day reading about it or rehearsing it (if it's a language) or practicing it (if it's a trade, like blacksmithing which is apaprently making a come-back). And each Friday, I do a creative project based on what I've learned/read/done/did.

This month, the first month of iGSA is gonna be "the ocean". That means marine mamals, salinity levels, tidal charts-- anything oceanic.

So yeah, that's what I'm gonna be doing. If you think it's cool, jump on in!! iGSA is not a one person thing at all. If you also feel like you could learn more about the ocean, lemme know and I'll make you an author or whatever of this blog so you can post what you are doing to get smart again as well.

Together we'll do really cool great things.

See you tomorrow!

exercise: day 1

Hooray! So today I'm kicking off an exercise project. There's nothing really interesting about it, it's pretty self explanitory. My end goal is to be an olympic archer with Steven Ray Morris.

Monday, May 21, 2012

this is the beginning of the project page

Hello, everyone.

I seriously ran out of puns or clever titling. This is the project page where I will be documenting the progress of any projects that I have started. These might range from film projects to music projects to trying to get a book read.

Enough of the boring general synopsis. Here's what I'm really excited about: I'm Getting Smarter Again. Ever since I left college, I feel like I've been losing (or at least not exercising) all the knowledge that I've collected over time. When you're trying to pay bills, it's hard to remember that thing Bazin wrote about deep focus, blah blah blah. So I'm starting IGAS where each month (starting on the 5, because then technically this whole thing starts on my birthday and, as everyone knows, 24 is over the hill) I take a topic and learn about it. It's that easy. Everyday, I'll dedicate at least an hour reading up on this topic (or, if it's a specific language, practicing this topic). And each Friday, I'll make a creative project to help visualize/internalize all this newish or rememberedish knowledge. 

IGAS is open to everyone though. If the month's topic is Incan history and you love Incan history or want to learn about Incan history or love making Incan temple models, hop in on it! This page will function more as an IGAS website than a personal blog. 

Now that I've pitched IGAS, here's the lineup: 

June- the ocean

July- American history

Aug- poetry  

Sept- astronomy 

And around September time, I'll be making the next four month list. 

But yes, if you want to hop in on IGAS, comment or email or call me. Together we're smarter. 

Or something.